Turning introductions into successful university-industry partnerships (29th November 2019) - Interview with two senior technology transfer professionals, discussing how to make the most out of introduction requests
Webinar- How to maximise industry engagement (26th June 2020) - How to make the most out of the services provided by Inpart
Challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021: What are technology transfer teams up against? (12th March 2021) - We review our end of year universities survey to find the challenges faced by TTOs and how TTO-industry relationships can be improved
Challenges for university-industry collaboration in 2021: What are R&D teams up against? (12th March 2021) - We review our end of year industry survey to find the challenges faced by R&D teams and how R&D teams think TTO-industry relationships can be improved
Webinar: What’s next for the university-industry ecosystem after COVID-19? (7th July 2021) - Panel of R&D and TTO professionals look into the future of research and industry-university collaborations